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Using Microsoft Azure SQL Edge as DBMS on Linux ​

It is possible to use Microsoft Azure SQL Edge as an alternative to manage the database. This section briefly describes the additional requirements and the steps that deviate from the ones described in the Manual installation section.

Additional Requirements ​

The following additional tools and applications are necessary:

  1. MS SQL ODBC drivers and tools
  2. Docker, for example through Docker Engine or Docker Desktop
  3. Microsoft Azure SQL Edge Docker container

Install Database Management System (Azure SQL Edge) ​

  1. Install relevant ODBC drivers and tools.
  2. Install Docker, for example as Docker Engine or Docker Desktop.
    • Docker has to be running for the remainder of the installation and when using ADOxx.
  3. Pull the Docker container with the database management system
    • Run a command like: sudo docker pull
    • For additional details about the container (requirements, license etc.) check the container's Docker Hub page.
  4. Add and run the Docker container with the database management system.
    • Run a command like: sudo docker run --cap-add SYS_PTRACE -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=1' -e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=12+*ADOxx*+34' -p 1433:1433 --name ADOXX_AZURESQL --restart unless-stopped -d
    • Wait a bit for the container to start properly. The Docker container has to be running for the remainder of the installation and when using ADOxx.
  5. Add the ODBC connector to make the database accessible via ODBC.
    • The odbcinst tool can be used to achieve this task.
    • Adapt the command as necessary: odbcinst -i -s adoxx18s -f odbctemplate.ini
    • The odbctemplate.ini file should contain something like:
      Driver=ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server
    • Further details are available in Microsoft's documentation.
  6. Create the database user and the database in the container.
    • The sqlcmd tool can be used to achieve both tasks.
    • Adapt the command as necessary: sqlcmd -C -S -U SA -P '12+*ADOxx*+34' -i createDB.sql
    • The createDB.sql file should contain something like:
      CREATE DATABASE adoxx18s
      ON (NAME = 'adoxx18s', FILENAME = '/opt/mssql/adoxx_data/adoxx18s_datf', SIZE = 30MB, MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 10%)
      LOG ON (NAME = 'adoxx18s_log', FILENAME = '/opt/mssql/adoxx_data/adoxx18s_log.ldf', SIZE = 5MB, MAXSIZE = 200MB, FILEGROWTH = 10%);
      USE adoxx18s;
      EXEC sp_grantdbaccess 'ADOxx';
      GRANT create table,create view TO ADOxx

Set Up Database (Azure SQL Edge) ​

Here perform the same steps as in the Manual installation, with a difference for step 3:

  1. Run ...
  2. Run ...
  3. In the dialog specify:
    • the "Database name", which should be the name of the ODBC connector, e.g. adoxx18s,
    • the "License number",
    • select "SQLSERVER" as the "Database system",
    • select "WITHOUT Single-Sign-on" for "Single-Sign-on installation option",
    • leave "Use custom password for database user ADOxx" unchecked
      adbinst.exe screenshot
  4. Click "OK".

Create Shortcuts (Azure SQL Edge) ​

Adapt the available shortcuts for the tools to use the correct database and DBMS (SQLSERVER instead of SQLITE).