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Add reference ​

With the help of the AQL element "Reference" the entries made by the ADOxx user are handled via reference numbers to the AQL expression. A reference number is assigned to each input field. The numbering is serial and starts with one (1).

If you wish to insert or change an AQL element "Reference", select the AQL element in front of or behind the position the reference is to be inserted and select the menu option**"New"** in the popup-menu (right mouse-button).

The window "AQL - Create reference" showing the current AQL expression is shown.

Please highlight all the dynamic parts of AQL expressions, which should be presented as a reference. Through repeated clicking on the button "Suggestion", all the reasonable positions in the AQL expression will be highlighted.

Click on the button "Generate", after selecting all the desired positions. Your chosen reference will be taken over and the AQL expression automatically divided in such a way, that the reference will be shown in the previously selected place.


In case there is only one dynamic element in the entering field (entering field or field with positions to choose), the reference number is automatically assigned to this field.

If there are many dynamic elements in the entering field, the reference number will be assigned normally to the first dynamic element and a window with a question whether the reference should be assigned to any other element, will be displayed.

Click on the button No, to keep the assigned reference as it is. It is possible to change these settings later on.

If you click on the Yes button, you can choose another field (dynamic element). If the mouse pointer is moved during a preview on this field - the mouse pointer will change its appearance into and at any time when it is moved onto the reference-able field. The proper reference number will be automatically entered into the AQL element "Reference".