Delete Application Libraries ​
To delete an application library open the window "Library Administration - Application library list" (menu**"Libraries"**, option "Application Library List"), select the application library you wish to delete and click on the button "Delete".
In the window "delete application libary" you can activate the options, which manage users and models that are connected to the application library.
Option "Assign user to standard application library"
This option allows to assign all the users, which were assigned to the deleted library to the ADOxx 1.5 Experimentation Library.
Option "Don't change user rights"
This option allows user rights to remain unchanged.
Option "Assign Development Toolkit to users"
This option allows the assigning of all users (coming from the deleted application library) access rights to the Development Toolkit. The option is available only when the option "Don't change user rights" is deactivated.
The Option "Delete models and model groups"
Activation of this option means that all the models and model groups, which are based on the deleted application library, will be deleted.
The option "Delete external files"
Activation of this option means, that all the external files stored in the ADOxx database and assigned to the deleted application library will also be deleted.
After activation of all the desired options, please click on the OK button to delete the earlier selected library. Then an information window appears, listing the name of the application library deleted.
The application library is deleted without a confirmation query! If the option "Delete models and model groups" is activated, these are also deleted without a security check! Therefore it is necessary to export all models still needed using the Model management component before deleting the application library.
If you activated the option "Delete external files", they will be removed from the ADOxx database without a confirmation!
The application library which is created during the installation of ADOxx can not be deleted!