User list ​
The user list is the starting point to administer ADOxx users. Within the user list all ADOxx users in the ADOxx database will be shown.
Select the option "User list" from the menu "User" or click on the respective smart-icon in the toolbar.
The window "User Management - User list" will appear on your screen, showing all ADOxx users sorted by the criteria as defined.
The icon for users with sub-administration rights has an additional yellow screw driver symbol . The icon for users with administration rights have an additional green screw driver symbol
In the user list an icon infront of a user's name shows which ADOxx users are logged in at the moment ("red traffic light") and which ADOxx users are currently not working with ADOxx
("green traffic light").
When using Single-Sign-on functionality for imported system users the icon infront of a system user name indicates, which system users are currently logged in ("red traffic light") and which system users are currently not working with ADOxx
("green traffic light").
By clicking on the button:
"Add" | you may add new ADOxx users; |
"Edit" | you may change the user settings of ADOxx users stored in the ADOxx database; |
"Create Copy" | may create a copy of the user. |
"Rename" | may change the user name. |
"Delete" | you may remove ADOxx users or system users stored in the ADOxx database from this database; |
"Deleted users" | will list ADOxx or system users which have been removed from the database; |
"Reconcile" | will reconcile the system user names in the ADOxx user management with those in the operating system's user administration; |
"View" | will show additional user information or let you choose the sort criteria for the listed users; |
"Close" | you may close the window "user list". |
Opening the context menu (right mouse click) will provide you with general functionality, the functionality for the user list listed above and the function "User pool" to show all users currently not assigned.
The standard user "Admin" cannot be selected, since you cannot change its settings or delete this user.
For the sub-administrator the user list contains only the users visible to the sub-administrator.
"Named Use Licence" with Client/Server Installation
By using a "Named Use Licence" a workstation key is saved when the user logs in for the first time. The user can work with ADOxx only on this workstation but if you want to make modifications to the setup you can reset the key with the added button "Reset key.." in the user list dialog. A new workstation key will be set when the user logs in for the next time.
When using the "Named Use Licence" the Windows service "Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)" has to be activated otherwise an invalid activation key will be generated and it wouldn't be possible to log on to the ADOxx database.