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Package your tool ​

The packaging procedure is now the same, independent if you migrate your tool or if you started from scratch. Make sure you have the project locally on you device (see step 0 below).

  1. Clone your project
    0. Open the start page of your modelling tool project
    1. Click on Clone
    2. Choose Visual Studio Code (HTTPS)
    3. Confirm that you want to open the link
    4. Choose your local folder, where you want to save the project

Graphic visualising the steps for cloning the project locallyVisualisation of the steps needed to clone your modelling tool to your device, using Visual Studio Code

  1. Configure the packaging
    • Hint: Additional information about the configuration can be found in your project under SRC\00-BUILD-SRC\README-tool_specific
    • Open your local project in Visual Studio Code. The window should look similar to the figure below

Graphic of the Visual Studio Code interface for the local projectVisual Studio Code interface of the local project, with important parts highlighted

  • Open /SRC/00-BUILD-SRC/settings-tool.env and provide your information
    • The parameters are described in the attached comments
    • If no GUIDs are provided for the Windows installer, they are created automatically and saved in your project under SRC\00-BUILD-SRC\06-installer_relevant\tool_guids.env

Graphic for visualizing where the general information should be providedProvide general tool information by adapting the settings-tool.env file

  • Provide the logo and splash screen of your modelling tool
    • Logos: overwrite the pictures in SRC\00-BUILD-SRC\02-gfx\appicon\ (.icns, .png and .ico are need for the different OS)
      • IMPORTANT: when exporting the .ico you MUST NOT use compression for any of its individual icons.
    • Splash screen: overwrite pictures in SRC\00-BUILD-SRC\02-gfx\splash\

Graphic for visualizing where the logo and splash screen of the modelling tool should be savedOverwrite the default logos and splash screen with the ones of your modelling tool

  • Provide the ADOxx library (.abl) and optional example models (.adl)
    • Save your files, created with ADOxx 1.8, in the SRC\00-BUILD-SRC\03-library folder
    • Name them adostd.abl (ADOxx library) and adostd.adl (example models)
      • If you do not want to provide example models, delete the SRC\00-BUILD-SRC\03-library\adostd.adl file

Graphic for visualizing where the ADOxx library file (.abl) and optional default models (.adl) should be savedReplace the ADOxx library (.abl) and possible example models with your own

  • [optional] If your modelling tool needs additional files that should be packaged with it, you can add them to:
    • SRC\00-BUILD-SRC\04-additional_files\ for files that should be copied in the installation folder
    • SRC\00-BUILD-SRC\05-distribute_with_installer for files that should be distributed with the installer

Graphic for visualising optional step on how to add additional files to the modelling tool[optional] Provide additional files which must be packaged and installed with your modelling tool

  1. Trigger the packaging procedure
    • The GitLab CI/CD pipeline must be triggered, so that the installation files are build.
    • This is only possible if a file in SRC\00-BUILD-SRC is changed and then pushed.

Graphical overview of using the automated package processVisualisation of the general packaging procedure

  1. Open Source Control window (in Visual Studio Code)
  2. Hover your mouse over the Changes line
    2a. Click on the appearing + symbol (to make a git add * of all the changed files)

Graphic for visualising adding all the changed files for the git commit and pushAdd your changed files to prepare them for upload on your GitLab repository (equal to git add * command)

  1. Add a short description in the text field above the Commit button, like package <modelling-tool-name> (= provide git commit name)
  2. Click the drop-down menu arrow next to the Commit button
  3. Click Commit & Push

Graphic visualisation of the steps to commit and push the project, to trigger the packaging of the toolCommit & Push your changes to trigger the packaging of your modelling tool

  • Wait till your tool is packaged

Picture of the interface for checking the progress of the modelling tool packagingCheck the progress of your modelling tool packaging

  1. Open Source Control window (in Visual Studio Code)
  2. Click on the three dots ... to open the Views and More actions... drop-down menu
  3. Click Pull

Graphical visualisation of the steps to get the packaged installation files locallyGet the packaged installation files for your modelling tool locally

  • The installation files are now available locally and in your GitLab project
  1. Open the Explorer window (in Visual Studio Code)
  2. Under TOOL you find three folders, with the installation files for the different operating systems

Graphical representation on where to find the packaged installation files locallyFind the packaged installation files for your modelling tool locally

Graphical representation on where to find the packaged installation files on GitLabFind the packaged installation files for your modelling tool on GitLab