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Check list ​

Check list for adding new ADOxx users:

User namemandatoryAt least three characters; quotation marks (") are forbidden.
PasswordmandatoryAt least three characters; permitted only are the numbers 0 to 9, the letters a to z and A to Z, blanks and the symbols ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ { | } ~.
Password (Confirmation)mandatorysee above
Application libraryoptionalIf you do not select an application library, the pre-set "ADOxx 1.5 Experimentation Library" will be assigned.
RightsoptionalIf you do not define the rights, the new ADOxx user will only have access to the Modelling Toolkit.
User groupsmandatoryThe new ADOxx user must be assigned to at least one ADOxx user group.
Component accessoptionalAccess to the various components available can be restricted.
User-specific informationoptionalArbitrary text (free text) up to 250 characters.


You have just created an ADOxx user and assigned him to an ADOxx user group. Now you must provide read or write access to a model group which either already exists or must also be defined. You can do this in the Model Management component of the ADOxx user group to which you have assigned the new ADOxx user. Otherwise the ADOxx user cannot create or edit ADOxx models.