Process Calendar - Adding Intervals ​
Enter the start and end time of the interval into the field "Time interval". When doing this, consider the following points:
Time intervals must be entered in the time format "hh:mm:ss".
The starting time must be earlier than the ending time.
If more than one time interval is defined for a day profile, the intervals may not overlap.
Define the probability of occurrence within the time interval in the field "Frequency". You can choose between the following:
Uniform distribution: A dynamic model's probability of occurrence within the given interval is distributed uniformly between a lower and upper boundary (period of time). Example: If you enter the frequency "Uniform (00:30:00; 02:00:00)", the dynamic models will be triggered from every 30 minutes (minimum) to every two hours (maximum).
Exponential distribution: A dynamic model's probability of occurrence within the interval given is distributed exponentially with the expectancy 1/E (E = period of time in seconds). Example: If you enter the frequency "Exponential (0,00027778)", the dynamic models will be triggered with an expectancy of 1/3600 (corresponds to one hour) for the intervals of time.
After you have entered the interval and the frequency, click on the OK button to copy the new interval into the list of working times in the window 'Day profile "<name of the day profile>" - time intervals'.