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Every predefined agent type has to start with the keyword AGENT. This is followed by the name of the agent type (AgentTypeName) which you can select according to your preferences and which is followed by the actual agent definition.


AGENT "Agent for cycletime and costs"

By entering the simulation algorithms for the agent you define among which algorithms the agent will be available. You may of course specify several simulation algorithms here.


If no algorithm is specified, the agent will - as a default - be available within all simulation algorithms.

  • path-analysis indicates the path analysis.

  • volume-analysis indicates the capacity analysis

  • wlstatic-analysis indicates the workload analysis (steady state).

  • wlnonstatic-analysis indicates the workload analysis (fixed time period).


The results determined by the agent may have further implications on the selection of the simulation algorithm.


A basic rule is that the result "Capacity" can only be calculated by the simulation algorithm "Capacity analysis". If you use an agent to calculate the "Capacity" and specify that it is valid for all simulation algorithms, the capacity can't then be calculated by the "Path analysis" simulation.

AGENT "Agent for cycletime and costs" path-analysis volume-analysis ...

Should the ADOxx application library contain several types of agents, you can specify in agent-class to which agent class (AgentClass) this agent will be assigned. If no agent class is specified, the ADOxx user must select one when he is creating the agent.

The parameter lock-select-results prevents predefined results from being removed from this agent and new results from being added by ADOxx users.

The parameter hide-select-results has the same effect as "lock-select-results". In addition, the button needed for adding and removing results is not displayed in the "Basic configuration" window of the particular agent.

The expression auto-showextremum concerns the representation of the agent's result. When this expression is specified, the result window of the agent lists the minimum and the maximum value of each result in addition to the different evaluation results.


By default the results are represented without the explicit minimum and maximum values.

The lock/hide parameters lock-extremum and hide-extremum control the output of the minimum and maximum values.

When the expression auto-buildsum is specified, the result window of the agent shows - in addition to the single evaluation results - the sum of each result.


If this expression is not specified, the results are by default represented without the sums.

The lock/hide parameters lock-buildsum and hide-buildsum control the output of the sums.

By specifying the expression auto-group the results produced by the agent are arranged in groups by default (e.g. there are results per "performer" which relate to results per "organisational unit"). In addition to this key-word the expressions grouping-class and grouping-relation should also be specified.

The expression grouping-class defines which class (ClassName) is to be used by default for grouping this agent's results.


For the results to be put out per "organisational unit" the following has to be defined: grouping-class: "Organizational unit"

The expression grouping-relation defines which relation (RelationName) is to be used by default for grouping this agent's results.


If you also specified a class (ClassName) using the expression grouping-class, the relation specified must be a relation to or from this class.


You want the results of this agent to be grouped according to "roles" by default. Thus, you insert one of the following expressions into the agent definition: auto-group grouping-class: "Role" grouping-relation: "Has role"


You want the results of this agent not to be grouped by default. However, should the ADOxx user later explicitly select a grouped representation, this is to be by default for the managers of organisational units. Therefore, you insert the following expressions into the agent definition: grouping-class: "Organizational unit" grouping-relation: "Is manager"

The lock/hide parameters lock-group and hide-group control the grouped output of results.

The expression calendar specifies the observation period of the agent. The calendar description (CalendarString) has to meet the requirements of the usual calendar syntax.


If no calendar description is specified, an observation period of 24 hours a day and 365 days a year will be assumed.


The observation period of the agent is only of importance in the simulation algorithms "Workload Analysis (steady state)" and "Workload Analysis (fixed time period)".

The lock/hide parameter lock-calendar and hide-calendar control the input of the agent's observation period.

By use of the expression objects the objects to be observed (Activities, Performers and so on) can be defined. The AQLTerm has to meet the requirements of the usual AQL syntax.

The lock/hide parameters lock-objects and hide-objects control the objects to be observed.

The expression infotext permits you to enter an information (Text) on the respective agent. The length of the text is restricted to 3700 symbols.


AGENT "Agent for cycletime and costs" infotext: "This agent calculates the average cycletime for the complete process. The average costs are split according to activities."

The lock parameter lock-infotext controls the input of the information text.


There is no hide parameter for the information text.

When the expression deactivate is specified, newly created agents of this agent type are by default deactivated.

By the expression allowed-modeltype- nr you can restrict the agent's application area to certain model types (ModelTypeName). In any case, the agents can only be created for model types which can be simulated.


nr represents a serial number, i.e. for the first model type allowed-modeltype-1 has to be specified, for the second model type allowed-modeltype-2 and so on.


Some result functions exclude certain model types in advance. Agents which contain the result function "Sum over Attributes" cannot be created in working environment models. Even the expression allowed-modeltype- nr may not skip these restrictions.


allowed-modeltype-1:"Dynamic model" allowed-modeltype-2:"Static model"

In addition, the results each agent has to calculate can be specified. The following types of results are available: