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UpdateActions ​

This event is triggered when the enabling/disabling of the application's actions (menu items and toolbar) could change. This is the case when a model window is being opened/activated/closed and when the model of the active model window is being modifyed/saved.

Parameters ​

modelid (idValue, optional) -ue, model ID of the active model window.

Exit value: ​


Remarks ​

If no model window is active (i.e. no model window is opened), modelid has the value -1.

See Also: ​

Example :

	ON_EVENT "BeforeCreateModelWindow" {
	SETG nNewModelID:(modelid)
	CC "Core" GET_ALL_OBJS modelid:(nNewModelID)
	SETL lObjIDs:(objids)
	SETL nObjsCount:(tokcnt(lObjIDs))
	CC "Core" GET_ALL_CONNECTORS modelid:(nNewModelID)
	SETL lConnectorIDs:(objids)
	SETL nConnectorsCount:(tokcnt(lConnectorIDs))
	CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("The model contains " + STR nObjsCount + 
	" objects and " + STR nConnectorsCount + " connectors.")