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EXEC_NEW_DLG starts the dialog for creating new models and returns the model id of the newly created model.

Syntax ​

CC "Modeling" EXEC_NEW_DLG [ modelname:strValue ] 
						   [ version:strValue ] 
						   [ modeltype:strValue ] 
						   [ target-mgroupid:idValue ] 
						   [ show-models [ show-all-versions ] ] .

# --> intValue

Parameters ​

  • modelname (strValue, optional) -
  • version (strValue, optional) -
  • modeltype (strValue, optional) -
  • target-mgroupid (idValue, optional) -
  • show-models(modifier, optional) -
  • show-all-versions (modifier, optional) -

Returns ​

  • <main-parameter> (intValue)

Details ​

When the user aborts the dialog, an empty string is returned.

You can specify the modelname, version, modeltype and the target-mgroupid.
(Writing target-modelgroupid has the same meaning as target-mgroupid, but is deprecated.)
With show-models you can show all the models in the new dialog and you can expand their versions with show-all-versions.

See Also ​

Examples ​

SEND "EXEC_NEW_DLG modelname:\"My Model\" modeltype:\"Sample Model\" show-models" to:"Modeling" answer:modelid
IF (modelid != "")
   CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("You created the model with id " + modelid)

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3