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SaveModel ​

A model has been saved. The ID of the model is passed via modelid.

Parameters ​

modelid (idValue, optional) -ue, ID of the model which is going to be saved.
originstrValue, origin of the save action call: "new", "save", "saveas-new" or "saveas-save".

Exit value: ​

Remarks ​

The parameter origin has one of these four string values
"new", "saveas-new" - Save has been called (automatically) directly after a new model has been created. If this happens during a saveas operation, origin has the value "saveas-new". Otherwise origin has the value "new".
"save", "saveas-save" - Save has been called for saving a modified model. If this happens during a saveas operation, origin has the value "saveas-save". Otherwise origin has the value "save".

See Also ​

Example ​


ON_EVENT "SaveModel" {
	CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX "Your Model is Safe!" 	