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FILL_COPYBUFFER fills a copy buffer object with the content of the given objects (instids) and connectors (relinstids).

Syntax ​

CC "Core" FILL_COPYBUFFER index:intValue instids:strValue relinstids:strValue

#-->RESULT ecode:intValue

Parameters ​

  • index (intValue) -
  • instids (strValue) - a list of instance IDs separated by blanks
  • relinstids (strValue) - a list of relation instance IDs separated by blanks

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - if no copy buffer with the given ID exists, ecode is set to -1 otherwise it is set to a valid code errorcode. -1 is used to indicate, that it is no standard errorcode. 0 means no error.

Details ​

All objects and connectors must belong to the same model!!

Call this method with a copy buffer object you created with CREATE_COPYBUFFER.

If a copy buffer object was already filled with content, each call to FILL_COPYBUFFER overwrites the content of the existing buffer so no appending is possible.

You can copy only relation instances where both the from- and the to-instance are also copied. It is not possible to copy only a relation instance! If you pass in a valid relation instance only, ecode is set to CLASSINSTANCE_NOT_EXISTING.

Currently it is not possible to copy model attributes.

See Also ​


Examples ​

## 1. take the currently open model
## 2. copy all objects and all relation instances
## 3. create a new model
## 4. paste the objects twice
## 5. save and discard the model
## 6. open the new model in view mode
## 7. select the objects that were pasted second

IF (modelid = -1)
  CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("Currently no model window exists.")

## get all instances
CC "Core" GET_ALL_OBJS modelid:(modelid)
SETL a_instids:(objids)

## get all connectors
CC "Core" GET_ALL_CONNECTORS modelid:(modelid)
SETL a_relinstids:(objids)

## copy all objects
CC "Core" FILL_COPYBUFFER index:0 instids:(a_instids) relinstids:(a_relinstids)

## select a target model group
CC "CoreUI" MODEL_SELECT_BOX without-models mgroup-sel title:"Select at least one target modelgroup"
SETL a_mgroupids:(mgroupids)

## build a list with all modeltypes
SET a_modeltypes:(modeltypes)

CC "AdoScript" TLB_CREATE title:"Select a modeltype" flat:1 sorted:1 searchable:1 no-cancel:1 no-help:1 multi-sel:0
SETL a_id:0
FOR a_mt in:(a_modeltypes) sep:"@"
  CC "AdoScript" TLB_INSERT id:(a_id) text:(a_mt)
  SETL a_id:(a_id + 1)
CC "AdoScript" TLB_SHOW
SETL a_mt:(token (a_modeltypes, VAL selectedids, "@"))

SET a_dstmodelid:0

SET ecode:1
WHILE (ecode != 0)
  ## let the user enter a new modelname
  CC "AdoScript" EDITFIELD title:("New model of modeltype " + a_mt) caption:"~Modelname:"
  IF (ecode = 0)
    SETL a_name:(text)
    CC "Core" CREATE_MODEL modeltype:(a_mt) modelname:(a_name) version:"" mgroups:(a_mgroupids)
    IF (ecode = 0)
      SET a_dstmodelid:(modelid)
      CC "AdoScript" ERRORBOX ("An error occured creating the new model: " + errtext) ok
    CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("Aborted by user!")

## paste twice in new model and that's it
CC "Core" PASTE_COPYBUFFER index:0 modelid:(a_dstmodelid)
CC "Core" PASTE_COPYBUFFER index:0 modelid:(a_dstmodelid)
SETL g_acreatedinstids:(instids)
SETL g_acreatedrelinstids:(relinstids)


## save and discard model
CC "Core" SAVE_MODEL modelid:(a_dstmodelid)
CC "Core" DISCARD_MODEL modelid:(a_dstmodelid)

## open new model in modeling
CC "Modeling" OPEN modelids:(STR a_dstmodelid)

## dye all remembered objects
FOR a_id in:(g_acreatedinstids)
  CC "Modeling" SELECT objid:(VAL a_id)
FOR a_id in:(g_acreatedrelinstids)
  CC "Modeling" SELECT objid:(VAL a_id)

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3