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Draws a border around a group of attributes in a chapter.

Syntax ​

Starting a group.

GROUP strValue [ color:ColorSpec ] .

Ending a group.


Parameters ​

  • <main-parameter> (strValue) - The name for the group.
  • color (ColorSpec, optional) - Sets the color to draw the group name in. The default is "black".

Details ​

The GROUP command allows to further structure attributes inside of a chapter. This grouping is only visual as part of the displayed Notebook. It is represented by a thin boarder around all grouped attributes with the group's name (specified through <main-parameter>) at the top. Each group definition must be finished with ENDGROUP.

A group also prevents the attributes from being split over several pages when possible. A group is however split if there is not enough room on one page to fit everything in the group. The group border and title is repeated in such a case.

The color is specified through a ColorSpec, which has to evaluate to a strValue or an intValue (see LEO Colors for details).

See Also ​

Examples ​

A Notebook with one chapter where several attributes dealing with presentation are grouped together. The group name is drawn using a green color.


CHAPTER "General"
  ATTR "Name"
  ATTR "Description" lines:5
  ATTR "Comment" lines:5
  GROUP "Presentation" color:"green"
    ATTR "Position"
    ATTR "Size"
    ATTR "Font color" dialog:color

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3