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AdoScript Examples ​

This page contains examples of AdoScript programs.

Reverse Text ​

The code

# ITEM "Reverse text..." modelling
CC "AdoScript" EDITBOX text:"Miss Moneypenny"
IF (endbutton = "cancel") {
SET rev:""
WHILE (LEN text) {
  SET rev:(rev + text SUB (LEN text - 1))
  SET text:(copy (text, 0, LEN text - 1))
CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("*** reverse ***\n" + rev)

lets the user enter any text, calculates the reverse text and displays it in an InfoBox.

In order to calculate the reverse text there the following function can be defined:

FUNCTION rev s:string
return:(cond (LEN s, rev (copy (s, 1, -1)) + s SUB 0, ""))
CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX (rev ("Napoleon"))

Quicksort ​

The procedure QUICKSORT sorts the signs contained in a string alphabetically. repltok is a support function, which replaces in a string a line with another one via a determined index. The PARTITION is a help procedure, which divides the lines (elements) contained in a string into two halves and a pivot element. However, in one half only the smaller, and in the other half only the bigger elements are the pivot elements.

PROCEDURE QUICKSORT list:reference start:integer end:integer
  IF (start < end) {
    PARTITION list:list start:(start) end:(end) result:split
    QUICKSORT list:list start:(start) end:(split - 1)
    QUICKSORT list:list start:(split + 1) end:(end)

PROCEDURE PARTITION list:reference start:integer end:integer
  SETL pivot:(token(list, end, "\n"))
  SETL bottom:(start - 1)
  SETL top:(end)

  SETL done:0
  WHILE (NOT done) {
    WHILE (NOT done) {
      SET bottom:(bottom + 1)
      IF (bottom = top) {
        SET done:1
      IF (token(list, bottom, "\n") > pivot) {
        SET list:(repltok(list, top, token(list, bottom, "\n")))
    WHILE (NOT done) {
      SET top:(top - 1)
      IF (top = bottom) {
        SET done:1
      IF (token(list, top, "\n") < pivot) {
        SET list:(repltok(list, bottom, token (list, top, "\n")))

  SET list:(repltok(list, top, pivot))
  SET result:(top)

FUNCTION repltok list:string index:integer newtok:string
return:(set(r, ""), set(i, 0),
  fortok(t, list, "\n",
    (set(r, r + cond(LEN r, "\n", "") + cond(i = index, newtok, t)),
    set(i, i + 1))),

It is possible to call QUICKSORT for example this way:

SET text:("Caesar,Nero,Titus,Trajan,Konstantin,Augustus")
SET text:(replall(text, ",", "\n"))
QUICKSORT list:text start:0 end:(tokcnt(text, "\n"))
CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX (text)