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The command MESSAGE_DELETE deletes the message with the given ID from the DB.

Syntax ​

CC "Application" MESSAGE_DELETE messageid:intValue [ userid:intValue | username:strValue]

#--> RESULT ecode:intValue

Parameters ​

  • messageid (intValue) - the ID of the message
  • userid (intValue) - the ID of the user
  • username (strValue) - the name of the user

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - 0 if the message was deleted successfully, 1 if wrong parameters have been passed - message was not deleted, 2 if no valid users have been passed - message was not deleted, 3 if an error occured while deleting the message (although the parameters seemed OK)

Details ​

If a message was sent to n recipients, there will be n rows in the DB. If MESSAGE_DELETE is called without any userid/username, all n rows will be deleted. If a userid/username is given, just this one row is deleted.

See Also ​

Examples ​

Delete all messages containing the string "Write letter" at the start of the DATA part of the message.

CC "Application" MESSAGE_SEARCH "Write letter"
IF (ecode = 0)
  SET n: (tokcnt (messageids, " "))
  IF (n = 0)
    CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX "No messages found!"
    FOR id in:(messageids)
      CC "Application" MESSAGE_DELETE messageid:(VAL id)
  CC "AdoScript" ERRORBOX "An error occured while searching messages!"

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3