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SHOW_IMPORT_SELECT_DLG shows a dialog where models, modelgroups, attribute profiles and attribute profile groups can be selected for a custom import.

Syntax ​

CC "ImportExport" SHOW_IMPORT_SELECT_DLG 	[ title:strValue ]
											[ with-models:boolValue ]
											[ with-mgroups:boolValue ]
											[ mgroups:MGroups ]
											[ import-mgroups:boolValue ]
											[ with-attrprofs:boolValue ]
											[ with-apgroups:boolValue ]
											[ apgroups:APGroups ]
											[ import-apgroups:boolValue ]
											[ mode:"adl" | "xml" ] 

#--> RESULT endbutton:"ok" | "cancel"
			import-mgroups:boolValue mgroupid:idValue
			import-apgroups:boolValue apgroupid:idValue

Parameters ​

  • title (strValue, optional) - dialog title; default: "ADL import - selection"
  • with-models (boolValue, optional) - set this value to 0 if the import file does not contain models; default: 1
  • with-mgroups (boolValue, optional) - set this value to 0 if the import file does not contain model groups; default: 1.
  • mgroups (strValue, optional) - MGroups, LEO text which specifies the models and model groups of the import file; see syntax below.
  • import-mgroups (boolValue, optional) - state of the checkbox "Include model groups".
  • with-attrprofs (boolValue, optional) - set this value to 0 if the import file does not contain attribute profiles; default: 1.
  • with-apgroups (boolValue, optional) - set this value to 0 if the import file does not contain attribute profile groups; default: 1.
  • apgroups (strValue, optional) - APGroups, LEO text which specifies the attribute profiles and attribute profile groups of the import file; see syntax below.
  • import-apgroups (boolValue, optional) - state of the checkbox "Include attribute profile groups".
  • mode (enumValue, optional) - one of the following values can be chosen: "adl" or "xml", tells the dialog if it is used for ADL or XML import; default: ADL.

Returns ​

  • endbutton (enumValue) - can contain one of: "ok" or "cancel"; if "cancel", all other result values are not set!
  • sel-models (strValue) - SelModels, LEO text which specifies the selected models. See syntax below.
  • import-mgroups (boolValue) - state of the checkbox "Include model groups".
  • mgroupid (idValue) - ID of the selected target model group, or -1 if none has been selected.
  • sel-attrprofs (strValue) - SelAttrProfs, LEO text which specifies the selected attribute profiles. See syntax below.
  • import-apgroups (boolValue) - state of the checkbox "Include attribute profile groups".
  • apgroupid (idValue) - ID of the selected attribute profile group, or -1 if none has been selected

Details ​

MGroups is a string value containing LEO code with the following syntax

MGroups	: { MGroup | Model }
MGroup 	: MGROUP name:strValue
Model 	: MODEL name:strValue version:strValue type:strValue

APGroups is a string value containing LEO code with the following syntax

APGroups: { APGroup | AttrProf }
APGroup	: APGROUP name:strValue
AttrProf: ATTRPROF name:strValue version:strValue apclassname:strValue

SelModels is a string value containing LEO code with the following syntax

SelModels	: { Model }
Model 		: MODEL path:strValue name:strValue version:strValue type:strValue

SelAttrProfs is a string value containing LEO code with the following syntax

SelAttrProfs: { AttrProf }
AttrProf	: ATTRPROF path:strValue name:strValue version:strValue apclassname:strValue

See Also ​


Examples ​

SET m1:"name:\"vier\" version:\"1.0\" type:\"Geschäftsprozeßmodell\""
SET m2:"name:\"vier\" version:\"1.0\" type:\"Geschäftsprozeßmodell\""
SET m3:"name:\"quark\" version:\"1.0\" type:\"Geschäftsprozeßmodell\""

SET mgroups:""
SET mgroups:(mgroups + "MGROUP name:\"eins\" {\n")
SET mgroups:(mgroups + "  MODEL " + m1 + "\n")
SET mgroups:(mgroups + "  MGROUP name:\"eins a\" {\n")
SET mgroups:(mgroups + "    MODEL " + m3 + "\n")
SET mgroups:(mgroups + "  }\n")
SET mgroups:(mgroups + "}\n")
SET mgroups:(mgroups + "MGROUP name:\"zwei\"\n")
SET mgroups:(mgroups + "MGROUP name:\"drei\"\n")
SET mgroups:(mgroups + "MODEL " + m2 + "\n")

SET ap1:"name:\"drei\" version:\"1.0\" apclassname:\"Test\""
SET ap2:"name:\"vier\" version:\"1.0\" apclassname:\"Test\""

SET apgroups:""
SET apgroups:(apgroups + "APGROUP name:\"eins\" {\n")
SET apgroups:(apgroups + "  APGROUP name:\"zwei\" {\n")
SET apgroups:(apgroups + "    ATTRPROF " + ap1 + "\n")
SET apgroups:(apgroups + "    ATTRPROF " + ap2 + "\n")
SET apgroups:(apgroups + "  }\n")
SET apgroups:(apgroups + "}\n")

CC "ImportExport" debug SHOW_IMPORT_SELECT_DLG
    title:"XML-Import - Auswahl"
    with-models:1 with-mgroups:1 with-attrprofs:1 with-apgroups:1
    mgroups:(mgroups) apgroups:(apgroups)

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3