AfterExtSetVariant ​
This event is triggered after a variant has been activated via the modeling component. Via the modeling component means that together with the variant activation a related layout algorithm may have been executed.
Parameters ​
Parameter | Description |
modelid (idValue, optional) -ue, ID of the changed model. | |
newvariant | strValue, name of the new variant. |
oldvariant | strValue, name of the old variant. |
layalgname | strValue, language independent name of the executed layout algorithm. |
layalguiname | strValue, language independent name of the executed layout algorithm. |
Exit value: ​
Remarks ​
If the variant has been activated without automatically execute a layout algorithm (e.g. because the variant does already contain some object positions), the variables layalgname and layalguiname are set to empty strings.
See Also ​
Example ​
ON_EVENT "AfterExtSetVariant" {
SET s:("Variant " + mstr(newvariant) + " has been activated.\n"
+ "Model ID: " + STR modelid + "\n"
+ "Old variant: " + mstr(oldvariant) + "\n"
+ "Layout algorithm: " + mstr(layalguiname))
CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX (s)