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GET_INCOMING_INTERREFS returns all incoming inter-references to a model or to a modeling object.

Syntax ​

CC "Core" GET_INCOMING_INTERREFS Target [ sourcemodelids:strValue ] .
Target :	objid:idValue | modelid:intValue .
#-->RESULT ecode:intValue reftext:references

references is a string value containing a LEO text with the following syntax:

{ REF SourceInfo TargetInfo } .
SourceInfo :	srcmodel:idValue srcobjid:idValuesrcclassid:idValuesrcattrid:id
	srcownerid:idValuesrcownerattrid:idValuesrcobjname:strValue .
TargetInfo :	targettype:TargetType TargetModelInfo [ TargetObjectInfo ] .
TargetType :	object | model .
TargetModelInfo :	tmodeltype:strValue tversion:strValue .
TargetObjectInfo :	tclassname:strValue tobjname:strValue .

Parameters ​

  • objid (idValue) - id of the object
  • modelid (idValue) - id of the model
  • sourcemodelids (tokenStr, optional) -

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - Contains the error code or is 0 in case of success.
  • reftext (strValue) - references

Details ​

If you want to get incoming object references, the object id has to be passed as argument objid. If you want to compute incoming model references, the id of the model has to be passed in the argument modelid.

The inter-references are returned as LEO string containing:
Source model ID: srcmodelid
Source object ID: srcobjid
Source class ID: srcclassid
Source attribute ID: srcattrid
Source owner object ID: srcownerid
Source owner attribute ID: srcownerattrid
Source object name: srcobjname
Type of the target: targettype (either object or model)
Model type of the target model: tmodeltype
Model name of the target model: tmodelname
Target version number: tversion
Target class name: tclassname
Target object name: tobjname

The source object is always the instance which is the direct outgoing point of a reference. When a reference is outgoing from a record cell, the source object (srcobjid) is a record row and the sorce attribute (srcattrid) is a record column. In that case, the modeling object containing the record can be determined with srcownerid, while the record attribute can be determined with srcownerattrid. Otherwise, when the outgoing point of a reference is a modeling object, srcownerid equals srcobjid, while srcowneratrid equals srcattrid. The value of srcobjname is always the name of the modeling instance, even if the source object is a record row.

Note that targettype is not specified as string but as modifier. So, if the target type shall be extracted using the LEO command, get-modifier has to be used here.

With the optional string parameter sourcemodelids the result can be filtered, so that only references from certain source models are returned. The string contains model IDs separated by " " (blank). If sourcemodelids is not specified, no filtering is applied. Otherwise only those references are returned which are outgoing from one of the models which are contained as ID in the string.

See Also ​

Examples ​

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3