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GET_ACCESS_PERM checks for the current user, whether a component is enabled or not.

Syntaxx: ​

CC "Application" GET_ACCESS_PERM Component

Component :	"aqc" | "modelaccess" | "modeldescr" | "modelstate" | "stdqueries" | 
			"defqueries" | "reltables" | "anaeval" | "pathsim" | "volsim" | 
			"steadywlsim" | "fixedwlsim" | "agents" | "flowmark" | "rescomp" | 
			"evalqueries" | "dyneval" | "adl" | "xml" | "fdl" | "case40" | 
			"objectif" | "ccc" | "docutk" | "attrprof" | "classhier" | "nonewdb"

#--> RESULT ecode:intValue access: 0|1 .

Parameters ​

  • <main-parameter> (strValue) - contains the name of the component which should be checked.

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - Contains the error code or is 0 in case of success.
  • access (intValue, 0|1) - , 1 if the acces is enabled and 0 otherwise.

Details ​

The names in the list above correspond to the components in the configuration notebook.


See Also ​

Examples ​

Checks if the user has sufficient access to generate documentation. If not, displays an error message.

CC "Application" GET_ACCESS_PERM "docutk"
IF (access = 0) {
    CC "AdoScript" ERRORBOX "The user has no access rights for the documentation component"

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3