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This command creates a new internal TreeListBox but does not show it yet. To show the dialog, you have to call TLB_SHOW afterwards.

Syntax ​

CC "AdoScript" TLB_CREATE	title:strValue
							[ oktext:strValue ] [ canceltext:strValue ]
							[ boxtext:strValue ] [ button-w:intValue ]
							[ no-cancel:boolValue ] [ no-help:boolValue ]
							[ x:intValue ] [ y:intValue ]
							[ w:intValue ] [ h:intValue ]
							[ sizeable:boolValue ]
							[ max-w:intValue ] [ max-h:intValue ]
							[ min-w:intValue ] [ min-h:intValue ]
							[ searchable:boolValue ] [ sorted:boolValue ]
							[ flat:boolValue ] [ columns:intValue ]
							[ multi-sel:boolValue ] [ no-child-sel:boolValue ]
							[ no-parent-sel:boolValue ]
							[ checklistbox:boolValue ]
							[ setdblclick:boolValue ]
							[ okbutton-enabled:boolValue ]
							[ parentid:intValue ] [ is-parent:boolValue ]
							[ bitmap:strValue ] [ bitmap2:strValue ]

  # -->RESULT ecode:intValue .

Parameters ​

  • title (strValue) - specifies the title of the dialog.
  • oktext (strValue, optional) - specifies the text for the OK-Button. Default is "OK".
  • canceltext (strValue, optional) - specifies the text for the Cancel-Button. Default is "Cancel" or a similar expression in another language (depending on the language of your OS).
  • boxtext (strValue, optional) - specifies the title text for the TreeListBox (the text which is displayed above the upper left corner of the TLB).
  • button-w (intValue, optional) - specifies the width of the buttons (in logical/appfont coordinates).
  • no-cancel (boolValue, optional) - specifies that no Cancel-Button should be displayed, if the value is 1.
  • no-help (boolValue, optional) - specifies that no Help-Button should be displayes if the value is 1.
  • x (intValue, optional) - specifies the startup x position of the dialog (in logical/appfont coordinates, relative to the parent window). Must be used together with parameter y.
  • y (intValue, optional) - specifies the startup y position of the dialog (in logical/appfont coordinates, relative to the parent window). Must be used together with parameter x.
  • w (intValue, optional) - specifies the startup width of the dialog (in logical/appfont coordinates). Must be used together with parameter h.
  • h (intValue, optional) - specifies the startup height of the dialog (in logical/appfont coordinates). Must be used together with parameter w.
  • sizeable (boolValue) - has to be set to 0 if the dialog shall be of fixed size. The default value is 1, which means that the dialog is sizeable.
  • max-w (intValue, optional) - specifies the maximum width to which the user can resize the dialog (in logical/appfont coordinates). Must be used together with parameter max-h.
  • max-h (intValue, optional) - specifies the maximum height to which the user can resize the dialog (in logical/appfont coordinates). Must be used together with parameter max-w.
  • min-w (intValue, optional) - specifies the minimum width to which the user can resize the dialog (in logical/appfont coordinates). Must be used together with parameter min-h.
  • min-h (intValue, optional) - specifies the minimum height to which the user can resize the dialog (in logical/appfont coordinates). Must be used together with parameter min-w.
  • searchable (boolValue, optional) - specifies that the user can search the entries of the TreeListBox via a popup menu entry if the value is 1.
  • sorted (boolValue, optional) - specifies that the entries in the TreeListBox are sorted alphabetically if the value is 1.s
  • flat (boolValue, optional) - specifies that a TreeListBox cannot have any child entries if the value is 1.
  • columns (intValue, optional) - specifies the number of columns the TLB has. The default values is 1. The maximum number of columns is 16.
  • multi-sel (boolValue, optional) - specifies that the user can select more than 1 entry by using Ctrl or Shift.
  • no-child-sel (boolValue, optional) - specifies that the user cannot select any child entries.
  • no-parent-sel (boolValue, optional) - specifies that the user cannot select any parent entries.
  • checklistbox (boolValue, optional) - specifies that it will be a flat list with checkboxes on the left side.
  • setdblclick (boolValue, optional) - specifies that if the user double clicks an item the dialog is closed with endbutton = "OK".
  • okbutton-enabled (boolValue, optional) - specifies the initial ok button state (enabled or not). This is of course only true, if after TLB_CREATE no select command is called, before showing the TreeListBox. Default is to have the ok button disabled (if initially nothing is selected). Use okbutton-enabled:1 to allow clicking on the ok button without any selection made.
  • parentid (intValue, optional) -
  • is-parent (boolValue, optional) -
  • bitmap (strValue, optional) -
  • bitmap2 (strValue, optional) -

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - as follows 0 = no error occured, 1 = user canceled dialog, 2 = you have to call TLB_CREATE before calling this function, 3 = an argument is missing, 4 = you passed an invalid ID

Details ​

If you use searchable:1 the flag checklistbox is ignored
If you use checklistbox:1 the flags multi-sel, no-child-sel, no-parent-sel, sorted, flat and searchable are ignored. It is always flat, NOT sorted, NOT searchable and you can select all entries!

If you use TLB_CREATE and TLB_SHOW in conjunction with MSGWIN, take care to avoid the following order of AdoScript commands,
as this will crash the ADOxx Modelling Toolkit

  3. MSGWIN hide

The crash occurs as the parent of the TreeListBox (MSGWIN) does not exist anymore when the TreeListBox is shown.

See Also ​


Examples ​

# create the main TreeListBox with all its parameters
CC "AdoScript" TLB_CREATE title:"My title" oktext:"Close" canceltext:"No way!"
        boxtext:"These are my entries" no-help:1 button-w:60
        max-w:500 max-h:367 min-w:200 min-h:150 checklistbox:1

# insert some entries (as you like - ID should be unique)
CC "AdoScript" TLB_INSERT id:1 text:"Do this"
CC "AdoScript" TLB_INSERT id:2 text:"Do that"

# select the first entry (here: check it)
CC "AdoScript" TLB_SELECT id:1 select:1

# and finally show it
CC "AdoScript" TLB_SHOW
IF (ecode = 0) {
    CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("Selected ids: " + selectedids + "\n" +
                            "You pushed the following button: " + endbutton)
} ELSE {
    CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("You cancelled the dialog!")

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3